Thursday, November 17, 2011

Big News!

I have been a HORRIBLE blogger.....mostly because I had a secret and knew that if I blogged, I'd want to tell.  I will be 19 weeks pregnant on Saturday.  We went to the specialist in Dallas this past Friday and received wonderful news.  We have a healthy baby boy growing right on track.  This has been a fairly simple pregnancy.  I didn't have a lot of sickness other than some nausea when I didn't eat enough and some sciatic nerve pain.  It has been a wonderful example and reminder of how God can work.  There have been moments where I had feelings of being scared but I AM human.  98% of the time both Bryan and I have been completely at peace and have been able to rest in His hands.  We feel very blessed to be at this point in our lives. 

So, we now have "perspective".  It's a wonderful thing because things that used to make me so nervous and things that I tried to control no longer haunt me.  That being said, perspective can be tricky.  I find myself judging others when they get upset about things that really don't matter.  So, it's a constant battle. 

I'll try to be better at updating the blog more frequently now.