Friday, January 28, 2011

I know it's been quite some time since I've posted.  I've been praying for God to give me the words to write that would glorify him.  So, after several weeks of praying and hearing the gentle nudge from Him, this is what I've heard.  First, I wanted to put a couple of pictures of Eden on the blog.  A few people have asked to see pictures but I understand that it must be difficult to know how to ask a person a question like that.  Will they be upset or happy that I asked????  Well, I'm at a point now that I love to show off my son!

Several people have asked Bryan and me when I was going to post something new.  So this is what has been placed on my heart.  In several of my posts I have written about how God is blessing us and what he is teaching me.  Many of our friends and family have told me that they are glad that I have something to hold onto (referring to God) to get through this tough time in our lives.  I would like to clarify something, God is NOT a crutch or sign of weakness.  Once you fully commit yourself and your life to HIM as HIS, you will never look back.  I can whole-heartedly tell you all without a shadow of a doubt that Bryan and I are not the same people we were a year ago.  That's a wonderful thing!!!!  We haven't given up anything, we've only been blessed and blessed and blessed and blessed.  I want to scream at the top of my lungs to share the good news of Jesus Christ our Savior.  Do you know him?  Have you ever thought about it but don't know how to get to know him?  Jesus said,  "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me." John 14:6
Want to know the answer....... THIS IS IT, and it's THIS SIMPLE!!!! You should say these words to GOD:  

Dear God,

I know that I am a sinner and need forgiveness. I believe that Jesus Christ shed His precious blood and died for my sin. I am willing to turn from sin. I invite Christ into my heart and life as my personal Saviour.

These are the steps to Salvation: 

1. Acknowledge in your heart that Jesus is Lord. 

2. Confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord.

3. Believe that Jesus died for your sins and was raised three days later.

4. Repent of your sins and get baptized in the name of Jesus.

Your life here on this earth will never be the same once you take these steps.  Not only will your life here on earth be changed, you will live an eternity in Heaven with our LORD.  Doesn't that sound great????  It does to me.  
If you have any questions about getting to know God, please reach out to me.  If I don't know the answer, I'll find someone who does.  You see I'm not an expert on the bible or am I the model Christian, but I do love Jesus and I want to share HIS love and HIS promise with you!!!  

The Albee's 
4:6 (NIV)


  1. Hi Carrie.

    I just found your blog thru Shannon Sisk's blog this morning and read all the way through it.

    What a blessing, what a wonderful outreach, ministry and wonderful, honoring way to use your beautiful gift of God Eden to glorify the Lord and draw people unto Christ. Praise Him for your open heart and willingness to be used by Him to allow this medium to be used in such an uplifting way.

    Of course as a new Gram to a two month old little boy I have tears in my eyes, tears of thankfulness for his good health. I lost a grandchild before him, I will never recover from that, but give God the glory for the blessings of the experience in spite of the pain. God is a God of mercy and Grace. He certainly deserves all the glory we can give unto Him.

    There are a few other interesting things about your story. I have known Luke since he was born. Love him to death. He and Alicia are the best. We prayerfully support your church. I am interested in the epilepsy treatment Bryan has received as my daughter who is 26 has seizures and no med works for her!

    I actually live in Gwater... who knows, if you know the kimbleys, you might know my kids, it is a very small world. God Bless you.

  2. Carrie,
    I was thinking about you today and thought I'd check to see if you had posted anything on your blog. I cannot tell you how much I LOVED seeing the pics of your precious sweet boy. I cried happy tears that you shared these pics, they just have such a peaceful and sweetness to them and I know that you will cherish the pictures forever. I know that Eden is watching over you and Bryan and will be a guardian angel for you both. I love your posts and how you share your journey with others and spread the Glory of God.

  3. Hi @mzzterry!! Thank you for commenting. I really look forward to hearing from people I don't know that read my blog.....and from people I do know!! We absolutely LOVE the Kimbley family!! They have been a huge blessing to us and still are every day. God is so good!! He always puts you where you need to be and with those that you should be with.
    Bryan tried all kinds of meds to regulate his seizures. We were so blessed to find Dr. Plotkin in Tyler. He did a few tests to determine what kind of epilepsy Bryan has and where in the brain it was located. He told us that different meds will heal different parts of the brain. So, you first have to make sure that your daughter is taking the right meds for her type of epilepsy. I believe Bryan has right frontal lobe damage and is taking Lamictal. Also, Dr. Plotkin said that some generic brands come from different parts of the world and may not have the correct amounts of the mixture of whatever is in them. So be careful with different manufacturers. I'm sorry that I can't remember which manufacturers are which but definitely make sure you research that. I don't know if Dr. Plotkin is taking new patients but if he isn't he has a PA in his office that he consults with that I would trust as much as I trust him. He is located in Tyler and is AMAZING!!!!! I don't know if that helps but I hope so!!

    @caroline- I always love hearing from you! I will be updating my blog soon. Lots going on over here. I hope you are doing well!!

    Love, Carrie
