Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Stop worrying!!!

Anxiety seems to be something that everyone deals with. As believers, however, we are commanded not to worry. Instead, we're to rely on a conditional promise from our heavenly Father: If we will seek His kingdom, all our needs will be provided. This is the opposite of the world's philosophy, which tells us to pull up our big girl panties and do what we can to meet our own needs.

Thank goodness we can rely on our God for these things:

• He keeps His word. Every promise is backed by His divine nature. According to Titus 1:2, God cannot lie. He never makes a promise that He won't keep.

• He is all-knowing. Our heavenly Father is mindful of all our needs—the ones we bring to Him in prayer as well as those of which we are unaware.

• He is all-powerful. The sovereign Ruler of the universe backs His promises with almighty power. "Nothing will be impossible with God" (Luke 1:37).

• He cares. God's provision for birds and flowers is proof of His even greater care for those who are made in His image. Not only is He able to meet our needs, but He also wants to provide for us.

I've struggled with this over the past week. I seem to go back and forth between being very sad to being very happy. I realize that as soon as I get sad, I am not focusing on God. It's easy to get off track because we are human, and because the devil is very good at being evil.

I went to the doctor today to have my blood drawn to test for Gestational Diabetes. I will find out those results later this week. It was also time for my 28 week sonogram. It was a very thorough sonogram. This is what I learned today:

  • Eden is measuring the size of a 24 week baby; 1lb 12 oz.
  • Eden has only grown 1% in 4 weeks due to the lack of space she has to grow
  • Eden's heart is now very enlarged with fluid around it. (This means that she is going into congestive heart failure)
  • My blood pressure has gone up quite a bit. Usually it is around 100-115/60-70. Today it was 140/90.
So, what does this mean??? My doctor feels that Eden will probably pass away before she has a chance to be born due to the CHF. We don't really know when this will happen. I guess it makes sense that if your kidneys don't filter out urine, the fluid has to get backed up somewhere. It is not a surprise that Eden has only grown a very small amount. When you don't have room to grow, you just don't. I am supposed to recheck my BP in the morning to see if it has improved. My doctor is concerned about this leading to preeclampsia. I have been feeling lots of kicks and punches from my little cheerleader so I will be monitoring that over the next few weeks. In fact, today during the ultrasound, she punched the wand while it was on my belly. Dr. Natour felt it move her hand. I guess she didn't like being poked!! If I stop feeling those kicks, I am to call my doctor.


  1. While I'm happy that you got to see sweet Eden again (and that she still has plenty of spunk!), I'm sad for the congestive heart failure news. Poor little girl. I'll be praying that your blood pressure gets under control ASAP!

  2. We are still praying for you and baby Eden! Thanks for the update! I feel like we haven't talked in forever!

